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Webhooks Events

List of Webhook Events

Shift Request Created

  • Event Type: shift.request.created
  • Description: Triggered when a clinician requests a shift.
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"clinicianId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestedBy": {
"userId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"email": "",
"source": "clinician"
"eventType": "shift.request.created"

Shift Request Cancelled

  • Event Type: shift.request.cancelled
  • Description: Triggered whenever a clinician request is cancelled, this event will be triggered even if the request was not canceled by the clinician, for example, when a facility user accepts a clinician request, all the requests of that shifts are cancelled.
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"clinicianId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"cancelledBy": {
"userId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"email": "",
"source": "clinician"
"eventType": "shift.request.cancelled"

Shift Scheduled

  • Event Type: shift.scheduled
  • Description: Triggered when a clinician is scheduled to a shift
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"clinician": {
"id": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": ""
"scheduledBy": {
"source": "facility",
"userId": "lcFQMy1n0decDeZljQG2wUNZBru7",
"email": ""
"eventType": "shift.scheduled"

Shift Scheduled Cancelled

  • Event Type: shift.scheduled.cancelled
  • Description: Triggered when a schedule is cancelled
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"clinicianId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"cancelledBy": {
"userId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"email": "",
"source": "clinician"
"eventType": "shift.scheduled.cancelled"

Shift Canceled

  • Event Type: shift.cancelled
  • Description: Triggered when a shift is canceled
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"reason": "Filled internally",
"cancelledBy": {
"source": "facility",
"userId": "lcFQMy1n0decDeZljQG2wUNZBru7",
"email": ""
"eventType": "shift.cancelled"

Shift Report Created

  • Event Type:
  • Description: Triggered whenever a new shift report is created
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"reportType": "Nurse",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"userId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"email": "",
"source": "clinician"
"eventType": ""

Shift Report Accepted Automatically

  • Event Type:
  • Description: Triggered when the system automatically accepts the clinician shift report after the facility fails to submit a facility shift report within the 48 hour deadline after the clinician's shift report has been submitted
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"reportType": "Admin",
"clinicianId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"acceptedBy": {
"source": "system",
"eventType": ""

Shift Report Accepted

  • Event Type:
  • Description: Triggered when facility shift report is created and is in accordance to the clinician shift report
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"reportType": "Facility",
"clinicianId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"acceptedBy": {
"source": "facility",
"userId": "lcFQMy1n0decDeZljQG2wUNZBru7",
"email": ""
"eventType": ""

Shift Report Rejected

  • Event Type:
  • Description: Triggered when facility shift report is created and is in discrepancy with the clinician shift report
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"shiftId": "12120878",
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"at": "2024-09-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"reportType": "Facility",
"clinicianId": "I7002epLHLhBCypdPCrn9XP4kTN2",
"rejectedBy": {
"source": "facility",
"userId": "lcFQMy1n0decDeZljQG2wUNZBru7",
"email": ""
"eventType": ""

Facility User Connection Accepted

  • Event Type: facility.user-connection.accepted
  • Description: Triggered when a request to connect a facility user to a facility user is accepted
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"userId": "lcFQMy1n0decDeZljQG2wUNZBru7",
"eventType": "facility.user-connection.accepted"

Facility User Connection Rejected

  • Event Type: facility.user-connection.rejected
  • Description: Triggered when a request to connect a facility user to a facility user is rejected
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"userId": "lcFQMy1n0decDeZljQG2wUNZBru7",
"eventType": "facility.user-connection.rejected"

Facility Creation Accepted

  • Event Type: facility.creation.accepted
  • Description: Triggered when a request to create a new facility is accepted
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"facilityId": "NUR-123456",
"eventType": "facility.creation.accepted"

Facility Creation Rejected

  • Event Type: facility.creation.rejected
  • Description: Triggered when a request to create a new facility is rejected
  • Example Payload:
"data": {
"facilityName": "My Facility Name",
"eventType": "facility.creation.rejected"